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The world’s first multi-media platform 100% dedicated to technologies and strategies to maximize future food resilience and environmental sustainability in agriculture
future of food production with a lab growing vegetables in rows under lights

The Future of Food Production is the brand-new interactive digital magazine for the AgTech industry. The magazine is published quarterly and the next edition, February/March 2023, will be published on 15 February 2023. The magazine provides a showcase for the solutions to the challenge of feeding a population of ~10 billion people by 2050 without further harm to the planet.

The Future of Food Production isn’t just a magazine though. It’s a content channel experience, hosted on a unique digital platform and some of the articles within the pages have been based on video interviews. As well as featuring a whole host of technical articles, written by award-winning journalists, the launch issue features interviews with Tony Hunter, food futurist, and Nate Storey, the Chief Science Officer at US vertical farming success story Plenty.

Industry Expert Executive Board

Jack Bobo
Director, Global Food & Water Policy
The Nature Conservancy
Marc Oshima
Co-Founder & Chief Marketing Officer
Eric Levesque
Managing Partner
Gavin Hodgson
Director of Agriculture
Tony Hunter
Global Food Futurist
Future Cubed
Peter Lane
Executive Chairman
Vertical Farming Network
Joseph Schwartz
Vice President
AmHydro (American Hydroponics)
Julie Cleijne
CEO & Founder
Sustainable Kitchen Consultants