
Rick Vanzura

Rick is CEO of Freight Farms, a pioneer in modular farming and the fourth agricultural revolution, with the world's largest network of IoT-connected farms spanning 49 states and 33 countries. Freight Farms offers a sustainable, hyper-local, fully traceable growing solution that is climate-independent, using no soil and minimal water. Rick has spent the last 20+ years in President/C-level roles at major consumer brands. His background includes leadership positions across retail, restaurants, entertainment and technology. Rick's experience ranges from Fortune 5 companies to start-ups. He served as President of two brands with hundreds of units and revenue approaching $1 billion annually and also as the original CEO of one of America's fastest growing and most highly recognized restaurant brands, building it from a single unit. He has also been a Named Executive Officer at multi-billion-dollar retail and restaurant chains and led strategy for several well-known companies.